Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Battered Wife Syndrome: Definition and Stages

BWS recognized as important in providing legal defense to victims and as basis for diagnosis and treatment. However, there has been confusion as to the definition of BWS such as the use of violence committed against the woman as the defining characteristic. The study introduced by Walker (1984) demonstrates cycle of violence and learned helplessness to battered women. (Seligman, 1993) In addition, studies found out that BWS, manifested in a form of depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, physical symptoms, is evident in some abused women putting them at risk of suicide and homicide.Symptoms attributed to battering may also be a result of stress from a troubled relationship. The Learned Helplessness and Grief Theory (Campbell, 1989) explains the depression in battered women. Moreover, researchers are in disagreement of the factors that affect the level of trauma such as frequency of abuse, educational status and severity of sexual and emotional abuse. The issue on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and learned helplessness in BWS remained unresolved.Some researchers view battered women in the context of â€Å"survivors rather than victims†. Furthermore, studies prove that battered women experience stages of abuse where the manifestations of BWS are part of the steps to conflict resolution. Based on these descriptions and findings, it is clear that not all battered women experience BWS. Although widely misunderstood even among legal professionals, â€Å"battered woman syndrome† is not a legal defense. It is one approach to explaining battered women’s experiences.Like other â€Å"social framework testimony,† ( Vidmar & Schuller, in press ), expert testimony concerning battering and its effects is used in the legal system to help a judge or jury better understand a battered woman’s experience ( Federal Rules of Evidence 702 ). Battered Women’s Syndrome considered a form of Post-Traumatic Stress. Battered Women’s Syndrome i s a recognized psychological condition used to describe someone who has been the victim of consistent or severe domestic violence. To classify as a battered woman, a woman has to have been through two cycles of abuse.A Cycle of abuse is abuse that occurs in a repeating pattern. Abuse is identifiable as being cyclical in two ways: it is both generational and episodic. Generational cycles of abuse passed down, by example and exposure, from parents to children. Episodic abuse occurs in a repeating pattern within the context of at least two individuals within a family system. It may involve spousal abuse, child abuse, or even elder abuse. There are generally four stages in the battered women’s syndrome. Stage One–Denial Stage one of battered women’s syndromes occurs when the battered woman denies to others, and to herself, that there is a problem.Most battered women will make up excuses for why their partners have an abusive incident. Battered women will generally b elieve that the abuse will never happen again. Stage Two–Guilt Stage two of battered women’s syndrome occurs when a battered woman truly recognizes or acknowledges that there is a problem in her relationship. She recognizes she has been the victim of abuse and that she may be beaten again. During this stage, most battered women will take on the blame or responsibility of any beatings they may receive.Battered women will begin to question their own characters and try harder to live up their partners â€Å"expectations. † Stage Three-Enlightenment Stage three of battered women’s syndrome occurs when a battered woman starts to understand that no one deserves to be beaten. A battered woman comes to see that the beatings she receives from her partner are not justified. She also recognizes that her partner has a serious problem. However, she stays with her abuser in an attempt to keep the relationship in tact with hopes of future change.Stage Four–Respon sibility Stage four of battered women’s syndrome occurs when a battered woman recognizes that her abuser has a problem that only he can fix. Battered women in this stage come to understand that nothing they can do or say can help their abusers. Battered women in this stage choose to take the necessary steps to leave their abusers and begin to start new lives. BWS is a psychological reaction that occurs in normal people who are exposed to repeated trauma such as family or domestic violence. It includes three groups of symptoms that assist the mind and body in preparing to defend against threats.Psychologists call it the â€Å"fight or flight† response. The â€Å"Fight† Response Mode: In the â€Å"fight† mode, the body and mind prepare to deal with danger by becoming hyper vigilant to cues of potential violence, resulting in an exaggerated startle response. The automatic nervous system becomes operational and the individual becomes more focused on the singl e task of self-defense. This impairs concentration and causes physiological responses usually associated with high anxiety. In serious cases, fearfulness and panic disorders are present and phobic disorders may result.Irritability and crying are typical symptoms of this stage. The â€Å"Flight† Response Mode: The â€Å"flight† response mode often alternates with the fight pattern. Most individuals would run away from danger if they could do so safely. When physical escape is actually or perceived as impossible, then mental escape occurs. This is the avoidance or emotional numbing stage where denial, minimization, rationalization and disassociation subconsciously used as ways to psychologically escape from the threat or presence of violence.Cognitive Ability and Memory Loss: The third major impact of BWS is to the cognitive and memory areas where the victim begins to have intrusive memories of the abuse or may actually develop psychogenic amnesia and not always remember important details or events. The victim has trouble following his or her thoughts in a logical way, distracted by intrusive memories that may be flashbacks to previous battering incidents. The victim disassociates himself or herself when faced with painful events, memories, reoccurring nightmares or other associations not readily apparent to the observer.American feminist and psychologist Lenore Walker coined the term â€Å"Battered woman syndrome†. It is based on two fundamental premises a cycle model of ‘violence’ and ‘learned helplessness’. In 1978 to 1981, she interviewed 435 female victims of domestic violence. Walker (1984) concluded that the violence goes in cycles. Each cycle consists of three stages: Tension building stage, when a victim suffers verbal abuse or minor physical violence, like slaps. At this stage, the victim may attempt to pacify the abuser. However, the victim’s passivity may reinforce the abuser’s violent tend encies.Acute battering incident At this stage, both perceived and real danger of being killed or seriously injured is maximal. Loving contrition After the abuser discharged his tension by battering the victim, his attitude changes. He may apologize for the incident and promise to change his behavior in the future. The repetition of this cycle over time, linked to the undermining of women’s self-belief create a situation of ‘learned helplessness’ whereby the woman feels â€Å"trapped in a deadly situation† in which she may fight back with lethal consequences.Early formulation of battered woman syndrome referred to the cycle of violence (Walker, 1984), a theory that describes the dynamics of the batterer’s behavior. The cycle of violence theory used to explain how battered victims are drawn back into the relationship when the abuser is contrite and attentive following the violence. More recently, battered woman syndrome has been defined as post-trauma tic stress disorder (PTSD) (Walker, 1992), a psychological condition that results from exposure to severe trauma.Among other things, PTSD can explain why a battered victim may react, because of flashbacks and other intrusive experiences resulting from prior victimization, to a new situation as dangerous, even when it is not. There are a number of criticisms directed at the use of battered woman syndrome, both in a legal context and in clinical environments. BWS as defined by Walker (1984) may be set apart from the majority of recognized disorders in that it describes the behavioral and psychological characteristics of not only the victim, but also the perpetrator.By working her analysis of the psychology of the perpetrator into her cycle of violence, it is arguable Walker purports to draw both victim and perpetrator into her ‘diagnosis’ (McMahon 1999). Critics claim that Walker’s theory (1984) does not explain the killing of abusive partners. If a battered female suffers from learned helplessness, she would, by definition, behave passively (Griffith, 1995) with the suggestion that the model of a battered spouse as a â€Å"survivor† proposed by Gondolf (1988) might be more realistic. Killing abusive partners is not passive behavior, so it contradicts, rather than supports, Walker’s theory.Nor is the killing of abusing partners consistent with Walker’s theory of â€Å"cyclical violence†. Wilson and Daly (1992) have calculated the sex ratio for spouse killing using data from England and Wales 1977-86. For every 100 men who kill wives 23 women kill husbands. 120 women were killed by male partners in 1992 40% of all female homicides in England and Wales are women killed by partners the figure for men is 6%. Wilson and Daly’s (1994) Canadian data show that 26% of women killed were divorced or separated at the time, Australian data (Wallace 1986) as many as 45% in New South Wales had left or were in the process o f leaving.Accurate official data on women who kill is, as Celia Wells (1994) has pointed out, difficult to access and incomplete. She presents information on 200 women charged during 1984-92. 46 were acquitted 14 on self-defense, a further 98 were found guilty of manslaughter 38 were found guilty of murder and the outcomes were unknown in 55 cases. She notes that more women acquitted or receive a manslaughter verdict than men, but that this does not mean that are no gendered injustices in the legal process. Cynthia Gillespie (1989) cites a study 29 US cases where BWS was used, only 9 resulted in acquittals.The language in many of the US cases shows that courts understand BWS as a new and excusable form of female irrationality (Gillespie, 1989). A conviction for murder means two things – a label and a mandatory life sentence. The promoted abolition of the life sentence would only address the second point, and would not necessarily create justice for women convicted of murder, since the tariffs given by judges for many women have been at the higher end of the scale. Studies of women who kill (Browne, 1987) in the US have found that they have experienced repeated and life threatening violence, with a greater frequency of coerced sex.Almost all the women had also attempted to leave and elicit the support of other agencies in their struggles to end violence. Nothing they have attempted has stopped the violence, and many talk of reaching a point where they believe only one of them can survive. The leading case in Canada is that of RV Lavallee that the Supreme Court heard in 1989. The woman shot her husband in the back during a violent incident, and her plea of self-defense accepted on appeal, BWS evidence presented to the point that she was â€Å"one who could not escape and saw no options for survival†.(Martha Shaffer, 1990) Judge Wilson made some telling and important points in her judgment that women’s actions judged in the context of her rea lity. â€Å"It is not for the jury to decide to pass judgment on the fact that the accused stayed in the relationship. Still less is it entitled to conclude that she forfeited her right to self-defense for having done so†. The courts in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States have accepted the extensive and growing body of research showing that battered partners can use force to defend themselves.In addition, sometimes kill their abusers because of the abusive and sometimes life-threatening situation in which they find themselves, acting in the firm belief that there is no other way than to kill for self-preservation. The courts have recognized that this evidence may support a variety of defenses to a charge of murder or to mitigate the sentence if convicted of lesser offences (Faigman, David L1986) Self-defense when using a reasonable and proportionate degree of violence in response to the abuse might appear the most appropriate defense but, until re cently, it almost never succeeded.Maguigan (1991) argues that self-defense is genders biased both in its nature and in the way trial judges apply it. BWS focuses on women’s responses to violence, rather the context of violence in the relationship. It thus diverts attention from the previous behavior of the man, and the danger he represented. The case thus turns on women’s personality defects rather than the man’s behavior.The central question becomes why women stay, which she is not on trial for, whilst the more important questions of why men continue to use violence, refuse to let women leave and the failure of agencies to intervene to control violence and protect women are lost. These issues are the ones current international research highlights as central to the contexts in which battered women kill and are killed. The battering â€Å"cycle† is by no means universal Walker (1984) herself failed to find it in a third of her interviews – some men for example are never contrite, never apologies and rule the household through a reign of terror.BWS emphasizes damaged women, rather than women who perceive themselves to be, and in fact be, acting competently, assertively and rationally in the light of alternatives. The legal focus becomes trying to find an ‘excuse’ rather than a justification linked to a reasonable act. Conclusion: Women’s resistance to violence and control is minimized, if not made logically impossible. Research now suggests that in some relationships violence continues precisely because women resist men’s controlling behavior (Kelly 1988, Lundgren 1986).The deaths of men and women are preventable if domestic violence is taken seriously, and that ought to be our primary goal. Creating appropriate defenses for women who kill in desperation is a damage limitation rather than a prevention strategy. It is more than obvious that judges, lawyers and juries need access to the most up to date knowledge about domestic violence in order to counteract the stereotypes and misinformation that has predominated to date. However, are most psychologists and psychiatrists familiar with state of the knowledge?REFERENCESBrowne, A. (1987) When Battered Women Kill, The Free Press, New York. Campbell, Jacquelyn C ( 1995).â€Å"Prediction of Homicide of and by Battered Women. † In Jacquelyn C. Campbell (ed. ) Assessing Dangerousness: Violence by Sexual Offenders, Batterers, and Child Abusers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Daly, Kathleen (1994).â€Å"Feminism and Criminology. † Justice Quarterly 5:499-535 Gillespie, Cynthia K. (1990).Justifiable Homicide: Battered Women, Self Defense, and the Law Ohio: Ohio State University Press. Gondolf, E. F. (1988).Battered Women as Survivors: An Alternative to Treating Learned Helplessness. Lexington, Mass. : Lexington Books. Griffith, M. (1995).â€Å"Battered woman syndrome: a tool for batterers?† Fordham Law Review. Vol. 64(1): pp14 1-198. Faigman, David L. (1986).â€Å"Battered Woman Syndrome and Self Defense: A Legal and Empirical Dissent. † Virginia Law Review, vol. 72, no. 3 619-647. Federal Rules of Evidence 702 Kelly,Liz, Lundgren, Eva (1988).â€Å"How Women Define Their Experiences of Violence. † In Kersti Yllo and Michele Bograd (eds. ) Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Martha Shaffer, (1990).‘Rv. Lavallee: A Review Essay’ 22 Ottawa L. Rev. 607 Maguigan, H. (1991).â€Å"Battered Women and Self-Defense: Myths and Misconceptions in Current Reform Proposals†, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 140(2): 379-486. McMahon, M. (1999).â€Å"Battered women and bad science: the limited validity and utility of battered woman syndrome†. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, Vol. 6(1): pp 23-49 Seligman, Martin. (1993).Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vidmar, N. and Schuller, R. A. (1989).J uries and expert evidence. Social framework testimony. Law and Contemporary Problems , 133. Walker, Lenore E. (1984).The Battered Woman. New York: Harper and Row. Walker, L. E. (1977-78). Battered women and learned helplessness. Victimology: an International Journal. 2(3/4), 525-534. Walker, L. E. (1992).Battered women syndrome and self-defense. Symposium on Women and the Law, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy, 6(2), 321-334. Wallace, H. (1994).â€Å"Battered Women Syndrome: Self-Defence and Duress as Mandatory Defences? † Police Journal, vol. 67, no. 2 133-139 Wells, Celia (1993).â€Å"Battered Woman Syndrome and Defences to Homicide† Journal of Law and Society 24 (1993), 427-437 Wilson, Nanci Koser. (1993).â€Å"Gendered Interaction in Criminal Homicide. † In Anna Victoria Wilson (ed. ) Homicide: The Victim-Offender Connection Cincinnati, OH: Anderson.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Apprenticeship System – Summary

THE APPRENTICESHIP SYSTEM Aims of apprenticeship * To provide a peaceful transition from slavery to freedom * To guarantee planters an adequate supply of labour during the period and prepare for full freedom * To train apprentices for freedom especially working for wages * To enable the colonial governments to revise the system of justice and establish institutions suitable for a free society. The SMs were retired naval and army officers on half pay, appointed from Britain who were accustomed to rough conditions and enforcing discipline.They were chosen because they were not connected to the planter class and it was felt that they would not be biased. Duties of stipendiary magistrates * To supervise the apprenticeship system * To settle disputes between masters and apprentices * To visit estates at regular intervals and hold court * To inspect jailhouses and workhouses * To assist in fixing the value of negroes who wanted to buy their freedom These duties were strenuous and led to th e death of many SMs who were not accustomed to tropical conditions and could not afford the high cost of medical treatment.Conditions of employment Salary – ? 300 for the first year then increased to ? 450 for travel expenses and housing. There was no pension for dependents if the SM died in service. There was no sick leave and he had to pay his own fare back home if he was dismissed or out of service. These bad working conditions prevented SMs from performing their duties satisfactorily and many were easily bribed by planters. They were also overburdened by work because they were so few in numbers. Those who tried to do their duties were sometimes persecuted.They were abused physically, verbally and via the press. They were all obstructed in the performance of their duties as planters sometimes refused to allow them on the estates. Success of stipendiary magistrates * They listened to complaints from both sides and acted as a buffer between masters and apprentices. * They in formed apprentices of their rights, they did not have to listen to gossip or obtain information from newspapers. * They helped apprentices to organise their lives better by giving advice.However, they had very little to formulate schemes to improve the social conditions of the apprentices. They were unable to prevent apprentices from being punished harshly. Punishments Apprentices were usually sent to the workhouse, however SMs had no control over what happened there. The most common form of punishment in the workhouse was the treadmill. There was also the whipping post and apprentices could be put in penal gangs. Females often had their heads shaved. Time lost in the workhouse had to be repaid by the apprentice by working for his master during his free time.Controlling apprentices on the estates * It was illegal for apprentices to leave the estate without written permission. * Valuations on able-bodied slaves were often inflated. * High fees were charged for the use of the markets and for licences to work off the estates as carpenters, blacksmiths and so on. These licences and tickets to sell in the markets could be withdrawn. * Planters refused to give customary allowances. * Planters found faults with apprentices' work, which had to be done over in the apprentices' free time. Apprentices were locked up on false charges which would often be dropped before the arrival of the SM. * Apprentices' fruit trees would be cut down and they were forbidden to own livestock. * The 401/2 hours per week were spread over five days instead of four. *Low wages would be paid; unfair deductions from wages would be made; and the wages were generally paid late. The End of Apprenticeship Apprenticeship ended for ALL apprentices in 1838 because: * The system was not achieving its aims. * The antislavery society exposed the abuses in the system and began to campaign for full freedom. The planters feared violence if domestic apprentices were freed before field apprentices. * Some pl anters felt that it was cheaper not to have to provide for apprentices and only to employ the number of labourers they needed. Note: Antigua granted full freedom to its slaves. The planters decided against apprenticeship. The apprenticeship system came to an end in 1838 when the colonial governments in each colony voted against its continuation. http://www. youthlinkjamaica. com/cxc/history20100302. htm

Trueblood Case

SUBJECT: Deciding the Appropriate Extent of Audit Performed for Billy’s Beats for Asset Valuation Billy’s Beats Inc. , an SEC registrant, is a new audit client with a fiscal year-end of December 31, 2010. Billy’s is a manufacturer of musical instruments. Billy’s acquired Little Drummer Boy Inc. in 2010 for $575 million in cash. Significant assets acquired included property, plant, and equipment totaling $865 million and other assets totaling $145 million. The useful lives assigned to the property, plant, and equipment acquired were 30 years for the plant and 15 years for the equipment.The useful lives for the plant and equipment already owned by Billy’s are 20 years and 10 years. Other included assets of acquired customer lists, were assigned a useful life of 15 years. To test the useful lives of the operating assets, the engagement team asked management why the number of years assigned to the plant and equipment acquired differed from the years ass igned to the assets which Billy’s had already owned. Management stated that the useful lives for the acquired assets were the amounts used by Little Drummer before the acquisition.The engagement team discussed the useful lives of the acquired property, plant, and equipment with the plant manager of Little Drummer. The plant manager stated that 30 years and 15 years for the plant and the equipment, respectively, were the useful lives used before the acquisition. This discussion was documented in the audit working papers. The valuation specialist allocated the plant fair value of $865 million to each asset class based on the percentage of the seller’s total original cost applicable to each asset class. These percentages were provided by management of Little Drummer and relied on by the valuation specialist.The engagement team compared the percentage of total costs to a client prepared spreadsheet listing each asset class, asset ID, and percentage of total cost. No errors were noted and, accordingly, no further testing of the client-prepared spreadsheet was performed by the engagement team. In addition to its drum manufacturing business, Billy’s also wholly owns RockOut Inc. , which is the largest manufacturer of guitars in the United States. RockOut grew through the acquisition of other guitar companies and completed five acquisitions durng 2012, eight acquisitions during 2009, and four acquisitions during 2008.As a result of the acquisitions, RockOut reported approximately $90 million, which was 15 percent of total assets and 60 percent of total intangible assets, of customer lists as of December 31, 2010. RockOut amortizes its customer lists on a straight-line basis over 25 years, which management believes reflects the pattern in which the economic benefits of the customer lists are used up. During 2010, management revised its estimate of the customer list economic life, and began assigning an amortization period of 15 years to newly acqui red national customer lists.Amortization expense for the year ended December 31, 2010, was $3 million. To test the economic lives of the customer lists, the engagement team asked management what the reasoning was for the change in the assumed economic life this year. Management provided a memorandum that discussed the rationale for using the 25-year economic life to amortize the various customer lists, as well as the rationale for the current-year change in management’s estimate of the newly acquired national customer lists lives.According to IAS 16, The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises, its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates, any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management, and the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period. Because this in not how the company decided on the value and useful lives of the assets in question they should have follows IAS 36 to determine if there was an impairment. The audit procedures for determining if there was a valuation problem could also be addressed using FASB Statement No. 142.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Challenging behavior Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Challenging behavior - Literature review Example A child may develop different behaviors at different ages but the challenging behavior is most vital since it needs to be controlled as early as possible. Most people believe that the success of a child will depend on his ability to respond to prevention of challenging behaviors. Children who Challenging behavior is an abnormal behavior whose frequency, occurrence and duration greatly jeopardize the physical safety of the victim and that of other around him. This behavior in most cases denies the person access to ordinary social and communal facilities .Challenging behavior could be demonstrated by any person, but is mostly experienced in people with developmental disabilities, dementia, and psychosis and most often by children (Kaiser, 2007, p.13) Types of challenging behaviors Challenging behavior can manifest itself in different ways depending on the nature of the child. Calm children will react very different from violent children even under the same circumstances. The most impor tant thing is that the children will react negatively to those people who cause their problems. A common characteristic is self injuring behavior especially when a child is angry. This involves engaging in behaviors that cause physical harm or injuries to oneself. Most children will do this immediately they are offended in order to seek for attention. For example hitting oneself, biting oneself or even head butting. Most children develop aggressive behavior towards those people who influence them to develop a challenging behavior. This involves all behavior that harms others physically. They include hitting others, biting others, spitting on others, screaming, punching and kicking others among others (Emerson, 1995, p.24) Some children engage in early sexual behavior to express their feelings about some things. This includes all acts of abnormal behavior involving sexual acts. For example public masturbation, rape, and watching pornographic materials. Property directed behavior theo ry. In this theory, the behavior of the child is believed to cause destruction to property around the person. The reaction of the child is linked to the It includes throwing of objects, physical destruction and even stealing (Emerson, 2011, p.32) Theories of challenging behaviors Challenging behavior has various causes, most of which are beyond the control of the individual exhibiting the behavior. These could be social, biological, environmental or psychological among others. Social cause theory: this theory holds that the behavior of a child is attributed by the society in which he is brought up. These are the social interactions with other people, friends and relatives. This is based on the theory that behaviors are enhanced and influenced by observation on others actions and behaviors. Boredom, social interaction and social norms could trigger certain type of behaviors in people. Peer groups could also influence one to develop certain abnormal behaviors. The children will adopt the behaviors that are common in a certain society. A society that does not condemn a challenging behavior will encourage the children to be unruly. (David, 1974, p.53) Biological causes theory. This theory is based on the theory that behavior results from biological and biochemical processes. Conditions such as pain and certain medication may cause challenging behaviors. Certain inherited characteristics from parents also influence behavior. The child learns most of the behaviors from their parents. The parents should avoid acting in a manner that predisposes the children to a challenging beh

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Marketing Plan Of An Australian Brand Case Study

International Marketing Plan Of An Australian Brand - Case Study Example Penfolds Grange is basically a red wine that is manufactured totally in Australia and has been a leading brand in the Australian as well as the international market since its inception in 1951, ever since then it has won over 50 gold medals in vintage wine competitions and has been a major influence in the international arena as well. It is made from 2 kinds of grapes: the Shiraz and the cabernet sauvignon, the Shiraz being the major component where as the cabernet sauvignon is only used in small portions.Product Description: Penfolds is one of the major labels in the Australian wine industry and is a major exporter to a multitude of companies in the world; it has been one of the best red wine brands ever since its inception in 1951 and has been a major award winner in its category. The relative advantage of this brand is that it is made from an unusual blend of grapes that are specially grown at the company’s vineyards and hence is a unique red wine and has been able to set s tandards of its own. Since Penfolds is a major brand, it is exported to various countries in the world, the country that has been chosen for the purpose of this paper is the United Kingdom which is a major wine consumer nation and wine is a commodity which can be categorized as a house hold item which is consumed on a regular basis. Since wine is consumed on a nation wide basis, penfolds would be tried by consumers more often than not and hence it is very compatible with the tastes of the people in the country.on the country. There would not be any major limitations to the product because it is a widely acceptable product in the target market but the only issue that the product will have to over come is that there would be competition and it should implement strategies so that it is able to over come this major obstacle. There are no limitations as such to the product because it comes in various shapes and sizes and hence it can very easily be picked off the shelf by people with var ious purchasing power. Environmental Scan: The general dynamics of the country at hand have to be studied in order to truly understand the country and also to devise a plan to cater to the market. The essentials that need to be studied while scanning the environment are the family structure, education within the country, social organizations, religion, the diet and in this case it is extremely important to know the climatic conditions and it is extremely important that days of festivity have been pin pointed because these are the days when people would be more inclined to consume red wine and it is extremely important that once these days have been identified they are utilized to the maximum. The literacy rate in the United Kingdom is 99% and that is basically due to a public sector educational system which disseminates free education to all and this has been one of the plus points of the British economy for a very long time now, the ability of the consumers to think rationally will definitely influence th e decision to choose Penfolds because customers can then be made to think rationally by effective advertising. Diet and nutrition in the UK is of the optimum level and malnutrition or what so ever of that had

Saturday, July 27, 2019

CLOCKS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CLOCKS - Assignment Example Quartz crystals can be set vibrating with an electric current with crystal vibrations ranging from 2.5 to 5 million times a second. This means that vibrations in quartz clocks allow them to get time measurement to an accuracy down to a millionth of a second. The present day quartz clock developed in the early 1900s, clock needs certain basic requirements for it to work. First, it must have a power source that will allow it to create motion. Second, the clock must have a time base which provides a periodic oscillation dictating the measurement of time. The time base is essentially the device that controls clock signals. Lastly, it must have a way to convey the information generated by the time base and be able to display this information to actually tell time. During the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century, the pendulum clock was the standard time teller. The principle of the pendulum at work is such that its swing is independent of the amplitude, or size, of the swing. In effect, the only factors affecting the amplitude are the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity. Each swing of the pendulum releases a spring-loaded ratchet in the clock mechanism, which drives the hands. If the pendulum is left alone, frictional forces would act upon it and so it will eventually stop. Thus, a pendulum clock must contain a weight-driven or electrically operated mechanism that periodically pushes the pendulum to keep it swinging. Pendulum clocks and earlier versions of watches known as chronometers are quite cumbersome because their movement stops when they are not wound. In addition, pendulum clocks are highly dependent on external forces such as the force of gravity and temperature. Thus, quartz clocks and watches are the more popular options today. Quartz clocks are battery powered with gears regulated by a tiny crystal of quartz. When the battery sends electricity to the quartz crystal through an electronic circuit, the quartz crystal oscillates at

Friday, July 26, 2019

Qanswer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qanswer questions - Essay Example She used her position and to fraud the consultancy. Colluding with bricks supplier they defraud the firm a total of $ 100,000. Construction of the houses was halted due to insufficient funds this was five months after the fraud had taken place. The Chief Executive Officer of the firm instructed an auditor to examine what had happened. In his report, he suggested $ 150,000 had been spent and cannot be accounted. An organization should always try to assess the state of its employees who have influential power and monitor their acts (Frederickson, n.d). Domestic problems are hard to control if one has a chance to fraud the organization. For the firm to stop future frauds of this form then it should ensure construction materials are delivered, the foreman signs and a copy sent to the finance director. Inherent risks refer to those risks that can result in the misstatement of the audit if there was no any control at all. On the other hand control risks refer to those risks that cannot be mitigated by the current internal control and would result in the misstatement of the audit. As an auditor, it is expected of you to hand-in a non-bias and sound report. According to Hindson (2011), assessing the inherent risks for the organization will help an auditor have an overview of the anticipated risks in his auditing. The risks are narrowed down when he identifies control risks. The control risks make the auditor aware of the contentious areas where risks are likely to occur and go unnoticed (Tursi, 1989). For instance, there are times when the internal control to prevent fraud cannot detect and control fraud committed by finance director. In such cases, the auditor should be very keen when analyzing any financial activities initiated and authorized by the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

IT privacy protection, first mover and follower advantages Essay

IT privacy protection, first mover and follower advantages - Essay Example s of privacy policies, after selecting the websites it will discuss privacy policy features of those websites, than it will analyse the availability of those privacy features and will rank them accordingly, and, in the end, the study will provide a brief conclusion. Privacy protection utility is a privacy feature which removes the track of your move. Everything you do leaves tracks behind, it includes each and every activity such as browsing on the web, watching video, and shopping online. Privacy protection utility removes all tracks, in this way the user is safe and the browser stability and performance are increased. By default, on websites such as on social network websites, user’s information such as user’s id, username, networks, profile picture, and gender are publically available to the applications and advertisements; this option allows the user to control the information share setting with applications and advertisements. This safety option allows the user to clean up all the browsing data on the website; it increases the browser stability and allows the user to stay away from all the misuse of browsing records. Everything you browse on a specific websites leaves tracks; option allows the user to clean all the history. When you visit a website for a purchase, watching video, or just browsing, websites store user’s basic information and purchase or browsing behaviors in a cookie on the user PC and personalize website experiences for the visitors to make the website more attractive for users and to increase the website visits. This may be harmful as there is a risk of interruption and modification by other users which may result in wrong use of information and can create a source of tension and loss for the user. Most browsers accept all cookies by default. Cookie manager is a safety feature which allows the user to control the cookie settings (Alwang, 2001). Email is exposed to electronic dangers when it passes through different Internet

Quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Quality management - Essay Example In its quality management system, there is a continuous effort on improvement most probably on certain issues that concern about the customers and their interest about the quality of the actual products. As a result, Toyota invariably employs the move to study about its customers’ needs and the right thing to do in order to ensure market acceptance of its product offerings. In this entire process, quality management system cannot just be simply overlooked. Quality management ensures trust and reliability in offered products and services and even a potential market share for them. On the other hand, Volvo stresses out safety as its way of differentiating its product offerings. It has to do this as this is its main source of strength for its competitive advantage. The concern about safety on the other hand is another significant issue involving quality management especially on continuous quality improvement. Safety is such a broad concern but its bottom line especially in the case of Volvo is to strengthen the quality of its product offerings. Ensuring safety on its products requires continuous monitoring on the production and even from the acquisition of raw materials. Thus in the case of Volvo, there is a guaranteed quality assurance in whatever it does in order to deliver offerings with impeccable standard for safety. In other words, quality management ensures consistency in whatever an organization simply wants to achieve. BMW focuses on performance, which is another organizational concern associated with quality management system. In order to stay consistently in the market, BMW requires testing and monitoring the kind of performance its product and service offerings provide to its customers. In other words, along with the top of its priority is to provide a high value for customers. However, the bottom line of this goal is the continuous monitoring and implementation of the